Earn Money While Sleeping With Virtual Gift Features On Passio Page

Virtual Gift is one of the super hot features of the Passio thanks to its simple setup but still helps content creators earn extra money when integrated into the bio page.

What is Virtual gift? #

Virtual gift is a newly developed feature on Passio Page. When Content Creators turn on gifting and integrate it into the bio page, people who visit the page can give you gifts. Virtual items can be vouchers, lipsticks, books, racing cars, shoes, funny stickers… with many different denominations, ranging from 10 to 300 PHP.

The more gifts Content Creators receive from fans, the higher their income will be. You can receive support from fans even without any Livestream session and anytime, even while sleeping.

Why should Content Creators make money with Virtual Gift on Passio? #

It is no exaggeration to say that Virtual Gift is one of the features that help Content Creators earn the most money ever on Passio Page. The specific reasons are:

  • Unlimited income: If you create sympathy with fans and followers, receiving many gifts is within reach. Passio currently supports both domestic and international payments, making it possible for anyone to give you gifts anywhere, anytime. All you need to do is turn on this feature only once on the Page and do not need to do anything else. This is the difference that Virtual Gift can bring to Content Creators compared to the rest of the features.
  • Extremely low conversion costs: Passio currently only applies a 15% withdrawal fee for Virtual Gift, including a 10% platform fee and a 5% payment gateway fee. All the rest will belong to the content creators.
  • Build and nurture relationships with fans

How to make the most money with Virtual Gift?  #

Content is King  #

As a content creator, producing attractive, quality, and imbued with personal imprint content will be a prerequisite to help you win the hearts of your fans.

Currently, Content Creator is a very potential job in Philippines and the number of people pursuing this industry will surely explode in the next few years. Among a forest of content creators, the ones who can stay and make money sustainably are the individuals who bring quality content to their readers. Focus on investing from the root and you will receive the sweet fruit soon.

Frequently communicate with fans #

Besides building quality content, staying connected and regularly interacting with fans is also a necessity for creators. Content creators can organize Livestream sessions on social networking platforms or use the Truth Or Dare feature right on Passio Page to play games with fans, which are also great ways to increase engagement. 

Combined with volunteer work #

In addition to the above two ways, creators can combine receiving gifts from fans with charitable activities. You can commit to deduct from 5% to 10% of personal revenue each month to contribute to community organizations, pet rescue stations, support people in disaster areas, storms, floods, etc. This call not only helps creators to help society but also to spread good human values to their fan community.

Above is information about the virtual gift feature and how content creators can make money with virtual gifts on Passio Page. If you have not installed this super hot hit feature, then Creators should immediately see the detailed instructions in this article. Do not forget to follow the website to update many other useful articles in the future.


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